Juni 04, 2012

Riwayat Presiden Soekarno

Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia, Soekarno yang biasa dipanggil Bung Karno, lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 dan meninggal di Jakarta, 21 Juni 1970. Ayahnya bernama Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo dan ibunya Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Semasa hidupnya, beliau mempunyai tiga istri dan dikaruniai delapan anak. Dari istri Fatmawati mempunyai anak Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati dan Guruh. Dari istri Hartini mempunyai Taufan dan Bayu, sedangkan dari istri Ratna Sari Dewi, wanita turunan Jepang bernama asli Naoko Nemoto mempunyai anak Kartika..

Masa kecil Soekarno hanya beberapa tahun hidup bersama orang tuanya di Blitar. Semasa SD hingga tamat, beliau tinggal di Surabaya, indekos di rumah Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, politisi kawakan pendiri Syarikat Islam. Kemudian melanjutkan sekolah di HBS (Hoogere Burger School). Saat belajar di HBS itu, Soekarno telah menggembleng jiwa nasionalismenya. Selepas lulus HBS tahun 1920, pindah ke Bandung dan melanjut ke THS (Technische Hoogeschool atau sekolah Tekhnik Tinggi yang sekarang menjadi ITB). Ia berhasil meraih gelar "Ir" pada 25 Mei 1926.

Kemudian, beliau merumuskan ajaran Marhaenisme dan mendirikan PNI (Partai Nasional lndonesia) pada 4 Juli 1927, dengan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka. Akibatnya, Belanda, memasukkannya ke penjara Sukamiskin, Bandung pada 29 Desember 1929. Delapan bulan kemudian baru disidangkan. Dalam pembelaannya berjudul Indonesia Menggugat, beliau menunjukkan kemurtadan Belanda, bangsa yang mengaku lebih maju itu.

Pembelaannya itu membuat Belanda makin marah. Sehingga pada Juli 1930, PNI pun dibubarkan. Setelah bebas pada tahun 1931, Soekarno bergabung dengan Partindo dan sekaligus memimpinnya. Akibatnya, beliau kembali ditangkap Belanda dan dibuang ke Ende, Flores, tahun 1933. Empat tahun kemudian dipindahkan ke Bengkulu.

Setelah melalui perjuangan yang cukup panjang, Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan RI pada 17 Agustus 1945. Dalam sidang BPUPKI tanggal 1 Juni 1945, Ir.Soekarno mengemukakan gagasan tentang dasar negara yang disebutnya Pancasila. Tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Ir Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dalam sidang PPKI, 18 Agustus 1945 Ir.Soekarno terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama.

Sebelumnya, beliau juga berhasil merumuskan Pancasila yang kemudian menjadi dasar (ideologi) Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Beliau berupaya mempersatukan nusantara. Bahkan Soekarno berusaha menghimpun bangsa-bangsa di Asia, Afrika, dan Amerika Latin dengan Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung pada 1955 yang kemudian berkembang menjadi Gerakan Non Blok.

Pemberontakan G-30-S/PKI melahirkan krisis politik hebat yang menyebabkan penolakan MPR atas pertanggungjawabannya. Sebaliknya MPR mengangkat Soeharto sebagai Pejabat Presiden. Kesehatannya terus memburuk, yang pada hari Minggu, 21 Juni 1970 ia meninggal dunia di RSPAD. Ia disemayamkan di Wisma Yaso, Jakarta dan dimakamkan di Blitar, Jatim di dekat makam ibundanya, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Pemerintah menganugerahkannya sebagai "Pahlawan Proklamasi".

Detik Detik Kematian Sang Presiden

Jakarta, Selasa, 16 Juni 1970. Ruangan intensive care RSPAD Gatot Subroto dipenuhi tentara sejak pagi. Serdadu berseragam dan bersenjata lengkap bersiaga penuh di beberapa titik strategis rumah sakit tersebut. Tak kalah banyaknya, petugas keamanan berpakaian preman juga hilir mudik di koridor rumah sakit hingga pelataran parkir.
Sedari pagi, suasana mencekam sudah terasa. Kabar yang berhembus mengatakan, mantan Presiden Soekarno akan dibawa ke rumah sakit ini dari rumah tahanannya di Wisma Yaso yang hanya berjarak lima kilometer.
Malam ini desas-desus itu terbukti. Di dalam ruang perawatan yang sangat sederhana untuk ukuran seorang mantan presiden, Soekarno tergolek lemah di pembaringan. Sudah beberapa hari ini kesehatannya sangat mundur. Sepanjang hari, orang yang dulu pernah sangat berkuasa ini terus memejamkan mata. Suhu tubuhnya sangat tinggi. Penyakit ginjal yang tidak dirawat secara semestinya kian menggerogoti kekuatan tubuhnya.
Lelaki yang pernah amat jantan dan berwibawa, dan sebab itu banyak digila-gilai perempuan seantero jagad, sekarang tak ubahnya bagai sesosok mayat hidup. Tiada lagi wajah gantengnya. Kini wajah yang dihiasi gigi gingsulnya telah membengkak, tanda bahwa racun telah menyebar ke mana-mana. Bukan hanya bengkak, tapi bolong-bolong bagaikan permukaan bulan. Mulutnya yang dahulu mampu menyihir jutaan massa dengan pidato-pidatonya yang sangat memukau, kini hanya terkatup rapat dan kering. Sebentar-sebentar bibirnya gemetar. Menahan sakit. Kedua tangannya yang dahulu sanggup meninju langit dan mencakar udara, kini tergolek lemas di sisi tubuhnya yang kian kurus.

Sang Putera Fajar tinggal menunggu waktu
Dua hari kemudian, Megawati, anak sulungnya dari Fatmawati diizinkan tentara untuk mengunjungi ayahnya. Menyaksikan ayahnya yang tergolek lemah dan tidak mampu membuka matanya, kedua mata Mega menitikkan airmata. Bibirnya secara perlahan didekatkan ke telinga manusia yang paling dicintainya ini.
“Pak, Pak, ini Ega…”
Ayahnya tak bergerak. Kedua matanya juga tidak membuka. Namun kedua bibir Soekarno yang telah pecah-pecah bergerak-gerak kecil, gemetar, seolah ingin mengatakan sesuatu pada puteri sulungnya itu. Soekarno tampak mengetahui kehadiran Megawati. Tapi dia tidak mampu membuka matanya. Tangan kanannya bergetar seolah ingin menuliskan sesuatu untuk puteri sulungnya, tapi tubuhnya terlampau lemah untuk sekadar menulis. Tangannya kembali terkulai. Soekarno terdiam lagi.
Melihat kenyataan itu, perasaan Megawati amat terpukul. Air matanya yang sedari tadi ditahan kini menitik jatuh. Kian deras. Perempuan muda itu menutupi hidungnya dengan sapu tangan. Tak kuat menerima kenyataan, Megawati menjauh dan limbung. Mega segera dipapah keluar.
Jarum jam terus bergerak. Di luar kamar, sepasukan tentara terus berjaga lengkap dengan senjata.
Malam harinya ketahanan tubuh seorang Soekarno ambrol. Dia coma. Antara hidup dan mati. Tim dokter segera memberikan bantuan seperlunya.
Keesokan hari, mantan wakil presiden Muhammad Hatta diizinkan mengunjungi kolega lamanya ini. Hatta yang ditemani sekretarisnya menghampiri pembaringan Soekarno dengan sangat hati-hati. Dengan segenap kekuatan yang berhasil dihimpunnya, Soekarno berhasil membuka matanya. Menahan rasa sakit yang tak terperi, Soekarno berkata lemah.
“Hatta.., kau di sini..?”
Yang disapa tidak bisa menyembunyikan kesedihannya. Namun Hatta tidak mau kawannya ini mengetahui jika dirinya bersedih. Dengan sekuat tenaga memendam kepedihan yang mencabik hati, Hatta berusaha menjawab Soekarno dengan wajar. Sedikit tersenyum menghibur.
“Ya, bagaimana keadaanmu, No ?”
Hatta menyapanya dengan sebutan yang digunakannya di masa lalu. Tangannya memegang lembut tangan Soekarno. Panasnya menjalari jemarinya. Dia ingin memberikan kekuatan pada orang yang sangat dihormatinya ini.
Bibir Soekarno bergetar, tiba-tiba, masih dengan lemah, dia balik bertanya dengan bahasa Belanda. Sesuatu yang biasa mereka berdua lakukan ketika mereka masih bersatu dalam Dwi Tunggal. “Hoe gaat het met jou…?” Bagaimana keadaanmu?
Hatta memaksakan diri tersenyum. Tangannya masih memegang lengan Soekarno.
Soekarno kemudian terisak bagai anak kecil. Lelaki perkasa itu menangis di depan kawan seperjuangannya, bagai bayi yang kehilangan mainan. Hatta tidak lagi mampu mengendalikan perasaannya. Pertahanannya bobol. Airmatanya juga tumpah. Hatta ikut menangis.
Kedua teman lama yang sempat berpisah itu saling berpegangan tangan seolah takut berpisah. Hatta tahu, waktu yang tersedia bagi orang yang sangat dikaguminya ini tidak akan lama lagi. Dan Hatta juga tahu, betapa kejamnya siksaan tanpa pukulan yang dialami sahabatnya ini. Sesuatu yang hanya bisa dilakukan oleh manusia yang tidak punya nurani.
“No…” Hanya itu yang bisa terucap dari bibirnya. Hatta tidak mampu mengucapkan lebih. Bibirnya bergetar menahan kesedihan sekaligus kekecewaannya. Bahunya terguncang-guncang.
Jauh di lubuk hatinya, Hatta sangat marah pada penguasa baru yang sampai hati menyiksa bapak bangsa ini. Walau prinsip politik antara dirinya dengan Soekarno tidak bersesuaian, namun hal itu sama sekali tidak merusak persabatannya yang demikian erat dan tulus.
Hatta masih memegang lengan Soekarno ketika kawannya ini kembali memejamkan matanya.
Jarum jam terus bergerak. Merambati angka demi angka.
Sisa waktu bagi Soekarno kian tipis.
Sehari setelah pertemuan dengan Hatta, kondisi Soekarno yang sudah buruk, terus merosot. Putera Sang Fajar itu tidak mampu lagi membuka kedua matanya. Suhu badannya terus meninggi. Soekarno kini menggigil. Peluh membasahi bantal dan piyamanya. Malamnya Dewi Soekarno dan puterinya yang masih berusia tiga tahun, Karina, hadir di rumah sakit. Soekarno belum pernah sekali pun melihat anaknya.
Minggu pagi, 21 Juni 1970. Dokter Mardjono, salah seorang anggota tim dokter kepresidenan seperti biasa melakukan pemeriksaan rutin. Bersama dua orang paramedis, Dokter Mardjono memeriksa kondisi pasien istimewanya ini. Sebagai seorang dokter yang telah berpengalaman, Mardjono tahu waktunya tidak akan lama lagi.
Dengan sangat hati-hati dan penuh hormat, dia memeriksa denyut nadi Soekarno. Dengan sisa kekuatan yang masih ada, Soekarno menggerakkan tangan kanannya, memegang lengan dokternya. Mardjono merasakan panas yang demikian tinggi dari tangan yang amat lemah ini. Tiba-tiba tangan yang panas itu terkulai. Detik itu juga Soekarno menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. Kedua matanya tidak pernah mampu lagi untuk membuka. Tubuhnya tergolek tak bergerak lagi. Kini untuk selamanya.
Situasi di sekitar ruangan sangat sepi. Udara sesaat terasa berhenti mengalir. Suara burung yang biasa berkicau tiada terdengar. Kehampaan sepersekian detik yang begitu mencekam. Sekaligus menyedihkan.
Dunia melepas salah seorang pembuat sejarah yang penuh kontroversi. Banyak orang menyayanginya, tapi banyak pula yang membencinya. Namun semua sepakat, Soekarno adalah seorang manusia yang tidak biasa. Yang belum tentu dilahirkan kembali dalam waktu satu abad. Manusia itu kini telah tiada.
Dokter Mardjono segera memanggil seluruh rekannya, sesama tim dokter kepresidenan. Tak lama kemudian mereka mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi: Soekarno telah meninggal.

Foto-foto Presiden Soekarno

Sukarno Inspects Troops
President Sukarno, the first leader of Indonesia after it became a republic in 1945, inspects his troops.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 1965

Portrait of Ellsworth Bunker, Howard P. Jones and President Sukarno
Original caption: U.S. Special Envoy Ellsworth Bunker, right, and Ambassador Howard P. Jones, center, chatting with Indonesian President Sukarno April 6, 1965, at the Presidential Palace in Djakarta. The Americans met with Indonesian officials in efforts to stop the "decline" of U.S. Indonesian relations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 6, 1965

Indonesian President Sukarno
Indonesian President Sukarno was taken prisoner by Dutch troops in an attempt to retain control of Indonesia.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1945-1949

Richard Nixon Speaking with Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Visiting president chats with "veep." Washington, D.C.: President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia, currently on an 18 day official visit to the United States, is shown (left) chatting with Vice President Richard Nixon shortly before a capitol luncheon given in his honor by Mr. Nixon yesterday. The visiting chief of state also addressed a joint session of Congress yesterday, an honor accorded only to leaders of key nations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Al Muto
Date Photographed: May 18, 1956

Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke and President Sukarno
Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke (L) greets Indonesian President Sukarno during a state visit in Tokyo, Japan.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: 1958

Marilyn Monroe Standing with President Sukarno
Original caption: Indonesia's President Sukarno is shown chatting with actress Marilyn Monroe during a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan at a Beverly Hills Hotel last Tuesday night. The party was given in honor of Logan's brother-in-law, Marshall Noble, who is traveling with the 62 members of the Indonesian visiting group. Sukarno had expressed a desire to meet Miss Monroe, who he said is one of the favorite actresses in his country.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: George Snow
Date Photographed: June 1956

Kennedy and Johnson with Indonesia's Sukarno 1961
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 25, 1961

Indonesian President Achmad Sukarno
President of Indonesia, Achmad Sukarno, in 1949.
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Photographer: Bert Hardy
Date Photographed: April 1949

Sukarno at Disneyland
Original caption: 6/4/1956-Anaheim, California- Dr. Achmed Sukarno, President of Indonesia, now touring the US, is shown with his son, Guntur, 12, riding behind "Dumbo," one of the fabulous residents of Disneyland, during their visit to the famous playground at Anaheim. Dr. Sukarno seemed to enjoy the tour almost as much as his enthusiastic son.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 4, 1956

Sukarno W/Nikita Khrushchev
Original caption: 10/6/1960-New York, NY- Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (L) stands silently by, as President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks to newsmen outside the Soviet U.N. delegation headquarters. Sukarno spoke to reporters after a 40-minute meeting with the Soviet Premier. Before his departure from the U.S., Sukarno issued a gloomy statement saying the session had accomplished very little.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 6, 1960

President and Mrs. Eisenhower and Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: 5/19/1956-Washington, D.C.- President and Mrs. Eisenhower are greeted by President Achmed Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the Mayflower Hotel for a dinner given by President Sukarno in their honor. Speaking at the dinner, President Eisenhower said that Dr. Sukarno has given the US a "new thought, feeling and conception of freedom." In a toast to Mr. Eisenhower, President Sukarno said: "From what I have seen, this is a country of democracy and freedom.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 19, 1956

Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno
Original caption: 4/24/1961- andres Air Force Base, MD: Sukarno Here For Talks: President Kenendy and Indonesian President Sukarno are shown in back of limousine following the latter's arrival here today. Sukarno is here for talks which may provide a gauge of U.S. prestige in the wake of the Cuban incident.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

Mobido Keita with John F. Kennedy and Sukarno (bareng ibu megwati mwahahahaha)
Indonesian President Sukarno gives the "OK" sign to President John Kennedy. At left is Mali's President Mobido. The two emissaries from the Belgrade conference have arrived to discuss averting World War III.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 12, 1961

Achmed Sukarno Delivering a Speech
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: Indonesian president Sukarno, speaking at a national press club luncheon today, warned that failure to end colonialism in Asia and Africa will mean the disruption of the United Nations and other world organizations.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Doug Chevalier
Date Photographed: May 18, 1956

Achmed Sukarno Shaking Hands with Dag Hammarskjold
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956

Indonesian President and Ministers
Original caption: General views of Indonesia President President Sukarno with other ministers.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 15, 1966

Sukarno with Japanese Royalty (ketemu 'sodara tua'- akihito masih imut)
Original caption: Sukarno Guest of Japanese Emperor. Tokyo, Japan: President Achmed Sukarno (center) of Indonesia with Emperor Hirohito of Japan (left) and Crown Prince Akihito when Sukarno was guest of the emperor at luncheon in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The Indonesian president is on a tour of "rest" from his presidential duties. He is being given the red carpet treatment in Japan amid rumors that he is an unofficial link for Afro-Asian leaders who want the US and Russia to get together in another summit conference. February 3, 1958.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Ichiro Fujimura
Date Photographed: February 3, 1958

ndonesian President Sukarno at Podium
Original caption: United Nations, New York: Helpful. President Sukarno of Indonesia speaks before the United Nations General assembly, Sept. 30th. His military aide, Lt. Col. Sabur (Left), retrieved each page as the President finished reading it. Sukarno urged the General Assembly to seek a new permanent home for the United Nations in Geneva or in some Asian or African country.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 30, 1960

John Kennedy Inspecting Soldiers
Original caption: Sukarno inspects honor guard. andres Air Force Base, Md.: Indonesian President Sukarno (right) inspects the honor guard following his arrival here today for talks with President Kennedy. Trooping the line with him are President Kennedy and Lieutenant Colonel Charles P. Murray Jr., commander of the troops.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

Robert and Ethel Kennedy Sitting With Indonesian Leader
Original caption: U. S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, (L), and his wife visit with Indonesian president Sukarno here. The Kennedy's lunched with Sukarno on this "courtesy call" visit. The president's brother and Sukarno are expected to discuss the Dutch Indonesian dispute and other issues involving Indonesia during informal talks later during the attorney General's six day visit to the island.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: February 13, 1962

President Kennedy Greets President Sukarno
Original caption: Sukarno Arrives For Working Lunch. Washington: Indonesian President Sukarno is greeted by President Kennedy on the North Portico of the White House as the former arrives today for a working lunch with the U.S. Chief Executive, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Indonesian Foreign Minister Subandrio. Kennedy and Sukarno had met for an hour and a half earlier this morning at the White House.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April ?

Achmed Sukarno Waving
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

Achmed Sukarno Waving from His Limousine
Original caption: Asian leader responds to capital welcome. Washington, D.C.: President Sukarno of Indonesia waves from his open limousine in response to greeting accorded him yesterday on his arrival in Washington for an 18 day official state visit. Dr. Sukarno, leader of the world's third largest republic, which has remained neutral in the East-West Cold War, is staying at Blair House as guest of President Eisenhower. The Asian leader expressed the hope that his visit will "lead to real friendship between the U.S. and Indonesia."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 17, 1956

President Sukarno at Microphone
Original caption: Indonesian President Greeted. Washington, DC: Upon arrival at the Washinton Airport, May 16, President Sukarno of Indonesia (extreme right) inspects the Honor Guard, accompanied by Vice President Nixon (extreme left) and Major James L. Williams (center), Commander of the Combined Armed Forces Honor Guard.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956

Portrait of Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Leaving past glories behind, Indonesia's former leader Sukarno now lives quietly isolated from his people. Sukarno, who at one time traveled extensively and who boasted of four wives, is not allowed now to travel inside or outside Indonesia without permission and can only see on of his wives. At age 67, Sukarno is now truly in the September of his years, as he appears in his underwear.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 30, 1967

Portrait of Dr Achmed Sukarno Photo yang terkenal nihh....
Original caption: This is the latest official portrait of Dr. Achmed Soekarno, the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: January 19, 1956

President Kennedy and Indonesia's President Sukarno riding in an open car past a row of soldiers.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 24, 1961

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) meets with Sukarno (1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia after the country gained its independence from the Dutch in 1945. Washington, D.C.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1953-1961

Eisenhower Confers with Sukarno in Meeting
Original caption: 10/6/1960-Washington, DC- President Eisenhower and Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno confer as they are about to rise for a final pose following their conference at the White House. Sukarno, one of the five neutralist leaders who sponsored a resolution in the U.N. proposing an Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting, said afterwards that he still believes the two top leaders should meet. In the background is the acting Secretary of State, Douglas Dillon.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 6, 1960
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

Nixon Greets President Sukarno
Original caption: 5/16/1956-Washington, DC-: Indonesia's President Achmed Sukarno is escorted by Vice President Richard Nixon as the visiting Chief of State received full military honors and a 21-gun salute on his arrival at Washington National Airport at noon.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

President Sukarno with Osvaldo Dorticos & Fidel Castro (castro masih muda ya...sekarang lagi sakit...awet amat ini orang!)
Original caption: 5/9/1960-Havana, Cuba- Indonesian President Sukarno (C) chats with Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos (L) and Premier Fidel Castro (R). The Indonesian president was beginning a state visit to Cuba.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 9, 1960
Location Information: Havana, Cuba

Soldiers at President Sukarno's Funeral
Original caption: 6/22/1970-Blitar, East Java- Former Indonesian President Sukarno is buried with full military honors in the family cemetery at his birthplace. Sukarno, who served as president from 1945 to 1967, died early June 21st at the age of 69.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: June 22, 1970
Location Information: Blitar, East Java

Portrait of Sukarno
Original caption: Closeup of Sukarno at Merdeka Palace, when he announced a new six man presidium.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: March 27, 1966

Madame Pandit and President Soekarno Listening to an Anthem
Original caption: Madame Vijayal Laksimi Pandit of India (second from right), president of the United Nations General Assembly, stands beside President Achmed Soekarno of Indonesia, who salutes while the band plays the Indonesian national anthem. The ceremony took place at a welcoming reception for Mme. Pandit, who is touring the country. itu ibu fatmawati lagi hamil ya.... siapa ya guruh kali ya? tahun 54 nih.....
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 12, 1954
Location Information: Bandung, Indonesia

Sukarno and Family (wartawan sampe ngga tau nama fatmawati...tapi his wife....)
Original caption: 3/11/1946-Batavia, Java, Indonesia- Dr. I.R. Sukarno, Nationalist leader and President of the Indonesian government, with his wife and son, Guntur, shown at their home. The eyes of the entire world are on this man, who, although he was in power during the Japanese occupation, has managed to retain his authority. The peace and prosperity of 80,000,000 Indonesians depend on his decisions.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: March 11, 1946
Location Information: Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Achmed Sukarno Receiving an Honorary Hood
Original caption: Indonesian president honored at Columbia. New York, New York: Indonesian president Sukarno is shown being invested by Dean Harry J. Carman of Columbia with the hood of the degree of Doctor of Laws in ceremonies at the university today. L. to R.: Dean Carman; Dr. Sukarno and Dr. Grayson Kirk, president of Columbia. Dr. Kirk introduced the first president of the Southeast Asia republic as "a political pioneer of a great frontier of today and tomorrow."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 24, 1956
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

President Eisenhower with Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: Washington, D.C.: President Eisenhower explains the mechanics of television to President Sukarno of Indonesia as they arrived at the White House radio and television room where President Eisenhower was scheduled to make a closed circuit television address.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Photographer: Jim Mahan
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

Robert F. Kennedy Talking With Achmed Sukarno
Original caption: General Robert F. Kennedy, (L), shares a laugh with Indonesian President Sukarno, as they discuss the Malaysia situation here. The Attorney General and Sukarno reached an agreement that the Malaysia crisis, which threatened the peace in southeast Asia, by agreeing that it should be solved by consultation.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: January 12, 1961
Location Information: Tokyo, Honshu, Japan

Chiefs of Neutral Nations
Original caption: Summit meeting of neutrals. Belgrade, Yugoslavia: The chiefs of the neutral nations meeting here, Sept. 5th, pose for this group photo. Shown (left to right) are: Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia; Saeb Salaam of Lebanon; President Adan Abdullah Osman of the Republic of Somali; Lieutenant General Ibrahim Abboud of Sudan; Sheik Sowayel of Saudi Arabia; King Hassan of Morocco; Marshal Josip Tito of Yugoslavia; Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike, prime minister of Ceylon; President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia; President Achmad Sukarno of Indonesia; President Oswaldo Dorticos of Cuba; President Kwame Nkrumak of Ghana; President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; Prime Minister Mohammed Daud of Afghanistan; President Modibo Keita of Mali; and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India. The conference of nonaligned nations e
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 5, 1961
Location Information: Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Jean Simmons and Husband Listen To Sukarno
Original caption: 4/11/1962-Bogor, Indonesia- Film star Jean Simmons and her husband, writer-director Richard Brooks (r), listen attentively to Indonesia's President Sukarno as he talks with them outside Bogor Palace. The actress and hubby are traveling through the islands of Indonesia looking for a film locale for the Conrad novel "Lord Jim."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: April 11, 1962
Location Information: Bogor, Indonesia

President Eisenhower and President Sukarno
U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) meets with Sukarno (1901-1970), the first President of Indonesia after the country gained its independence from the Dutch in 1945. Washington, D.C.
Image: © CORBIS
Date Photographed: ca. 1953-1961
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

First Indonesian Cabinet Meeting
Original caption: 8/4/1966-Jakarta, Indonesia- Members of the new Indonesian cabinet, formed July 25th, await the start of their first meeting at Freedom Palace. From left are: Chairman of the Presidium General Suharto; President Sukarno; Senior Minister of Economics and Finance S.H. Buwono IX; and Senior Minister of Politics A. Malik.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: August 4, 1966
Location Information: Jakarta, Indonesia

President Sukarno with President Eisenhower
Original caption: 5/16/1956-Washington, D.C.- President Sukarno of Indonesia (L) sits with President Eisenhower during a closed-circuit television broadcast in connection with the dedication of a new General Motors technical center in Detroit.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: May 16, 1956
Location Information: Washington, DC, USA

A. Nasser and A. Sukarno Toast with J. Nehru
Original caption: 9/29/1960-New York, NY- United Arab Republic President GAmal Abdel Nasser (L) and Indonesian President Achmed Sukarno (C) clink glasses with their host, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, at a reception at India House. The glasses contain fruit punch.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: September 29, 1960
Location Information: New York, New York, USA

President Sukarno of Indonesia with French Premier
Pompidou of France.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: 1965

Update Gambar

President Soekarno At Moslem Ceremonies
Indonesian President, a devout Moslem, addresses a crowd of 5,000 worshippers at Hari Raya Hadji Sunrise ceremonies at Soekabumi. He urged all Moslems to resist terrorist activities of the fanatical "Darul Islam" guerillas. "Good Moslems," said Soekarno, "do not kill, rape, and burn houses of their fellow men."
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: October 20, 1952
Location Information: Soekabumi, West Java

Mohammed Hatta
Dr. Mohammed Hatta the Prime Minister of Indonesia (1902-1980).
Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS
Collection: Historical
Standard RM
Date Photographed: 1949
Location Information: Indonesia

OOT nih.....

Madame Sukarno Having Hair Done...cakep ya sampe bikin BK klepek-klepek...
Original caption: 7/6/1965-London, England- Having her hair put back in place by the helping hand of a friend, Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno smiles as she arrives in London. The Japanese-born beauty is the Indonesian President Sukarno's "wife number three," in his harem of four wives. Although relations between Indonesia and the British Commonwealth are strained, Madame Sukarno received an official welcome from the British Foreign Office.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: July 6, 1965
Location Information: London, England

Dewi Sukarno Admiring Her Infant
Original caption: Ratna Sari Dewi, Japanese wife of former Indonesian President Sukarno, holds her 2 week old daughter, named Katika Sari--"Essence of the Star," is shown in her private suite at Keio University Hospital in Tokyo. The baby born March 7th there, became the eighth child for the 65 year old former President. Madame Sukarno and her daughter were released from the hospital on March 18th. She told newsmen before leaving the hospital, she plans to rest for about six to eight weeks before returning to Djakarta in late April.
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS
Date Photographed: March 18, 1967
Location Information: Tokyo, Japan

Gastineau Girl....eh Soekarno Girl ding...
Dewi Sukarno and Her Daughter
Dewi Sukarno, widow of former president of The Republic of Indonesia Achmed Sukarno, with their daughter, Kartika Sukarno during winter vacation in Gstaad.
Image: © James Andanson/Sygma/Corbis
Photographer: James Andanson
Date Photographed: December 1, 1983
Location Information: Gstaad, Switzerland

1 komentar:

  1. Ini baru Pahalawan Patriotisme yang keren,.
    Lanjutkan untuk menjadi oarng yang Suka Menulis
